Let me guess… you’re training your arms hard and often, yet still failing to add any mass.
You’re curling like mad, hitting your biceps every other workout, you’re taking supplements that promised to bulk up your bi’s...
Yet you can’t manage to budge the tape measure even a fraction of an inch.
It’s frustrating and feels unfixable, right?
Don’t worry, you’re not alone.
In fact, I was in the exact same position you are - my bi’s and tri’s wouldn’t grow no matter how I trained.
After failing for years to pack on muscle, I stumbled upon the secrets to forcing rapid and explosive growth in my upper arms.
Why Most Arm Training Programs Fail You Miserably
One quick Google search will put about a million “arm training” workouts on display.
Unfortunately, 99% of them will give you ZERO results.
First, the majority of those programs were either written by
- Guys with naturally big guns
- Guys who gain muscle easily
- Some magazine writer who’s never seen the inside of the gym
Either way, you lose.
Listen, if adding mass to your arms was easy, every guy would walk around with their sleeves straining to contain their guns.
But, you know that’s not reality.
You also know that you’re not one of those lucky dudes who can easily increase the thickness and strength of your arms.
Guess what? The biceps, triceps, and forearms are some of the hardest muscles to develop.
It Gets Worse
Back to the “arm workouts” that leave you with a set of pipe cleaners in your sleeves.
The second major problem?
At least 90% of these “programs” completely ignore a full two-thirds of the muscle fibers in your arms.
Crazy right?
Imagine trying to build your shoulders but only working your rear delts! The other two muscles in your shoulders would remain weak, small, and flat.
Unfortunately, this is exactly what happens with the vast majority of arm building programs.
There is a MUCH Better Way
There’s a Catch:
You have to actually follow the program.
Obvious right?
Sadly, studies show that 78% of people who buy diet and training programs never actually do them.
I’m sure you know a dozen guys who know everything about training, yet sport the body of a coat rack.
Yeah… they’re part of that 78%.
If you’ve done this in the past, don’t worry. The VShred Arm Builder Program is not just about a bunch of scientific theory.
Instead, the program is based in science but also gives you the complete, follow-along, step-by-step blueprint to take action and get your guns exploding with new muscle growth, fast.
The VShred Arm Builder Program Will Help You:
- Add inches to your upper arms (no matter how many times you’ve failed, this program is guaranteed to work for you)
- Force rapid growth in your stubborn forearm muscles (your forearms are always on display, plus, stronger forearms = bigger lifts)
- Build powerful biceps and triceps (stronger arms mean more pull ups, a bigger bench, and a rugged, powerful upper body)
- Develop a pair of sleeve-busting guns (even if you’re a hardgainer, this program will generate rapid muscle growth for you)
Here’s the Best Part
Not only will the VShred Arm Builder Program force your guns to grow, but these techniques will actually increase your total body mass.
First, once you learn the secrets of training your arms for rapid growth, you can apply some of these principles to training the rest of your body.
In fact, some of these secrets will help you dramatically increase chest and shoulder mass.
Second, the strength and size of your arms has a direct link to your overall muscle mass and power.
Picture some of the biggest, strongest dudes in the world: Powerlifters, Football Players, Bodybuilders, Strongman Competitors.
Even though they train in completely different ways, they all have one thing in common: huge, powerful arms.
If you want a HUGE Bench, you need to make your triceps ultra powerful.
It’s actually your Tris, not your Pecs, that drive a heavy Bench. Having strong triceps is essential to increasing your Bench & every other pressing exercise
Just worried about size? Guess what… most elite Powerlifting gyms obsess over increasing the size of their triceps. More muscle fibers = more potential for strength.
Your Forearms and Biceps are the key to:
- Baning out effortless Pull Ups
- Rowing beastly weight
- Safely Deadlifting big weights
- A Bar-bending Bench (your bi’s & forearms act as stabilizers)
What do you notice in that list?
Those are the best exercises you can do to pack on muscle in your upper body, especially your back.
If you want to build an impressive, powerful upper body, you must strengthen and grow your arms!
Remember: if your arms stay weak and small, so will the rest of your body.
With Your VShred Big Arms Program, You’ll Finally Unlock Your Guns’
True Growth Potential
Plus, You’ll Discover:
The EXACT Formula you must apply to your arm training
(follow it or suffer with skinny arms forever)
The “Special Sequence” that flips the internal switch to send
your muscle fibers into growth-mode
(99% of
arm-building workouts completely ignore this key sequence)
Why HOW you perform every rep is essential
(once you master this, the muscle-growth floodgates open)
How to Unleash Your Body’s 3-Mandatory
Muscle Growth

- How to train your bi’s and tri’s specifically for hypertrophy (little-known old-school bodybuilding techniques that prime your muscles for explosive growth)
- Why a whopping 90% of guys can’t pack on size in their arms (hint: they completely ignore almost 75% of their muscle fibers)
- 6-Simple ways to beat the dreaded Adaptation Response (if you fail to overcome adaptation, you’ll fail to grow your guns)
- The BEST way to turn your body’s “Damage &p Repair Cycle” to your advantage (once you learn this, not only will your arms grow, but you’ll pack on total-body muscle)
- Shortcuts for sending your body into Metabolic Stress (advanced recuperation techniques + metabolic stress = sleeve-splitting guns)
7-Advanced Techniques to Kickstart Your Gun Growth
- All about the negatives (how to disrupt adaptation and give your muscle cells only one choice: grow or die)
- How to literally twist extra inches out of your bis (it’s so simple, yet 99% of small-armed guys never do this)
- Stop missing 50% (or more) of your muscle fibers (work more muscle, from more angles, and finally have complete arm development)
- How to target ALL muscle fiber types (neglecting any type of fiber is a recipe for puny arms)
- Advanced techniques stolen from athletes that force hypertrophy in your fast twitch muscle fibers (want your arms to big thick and powerful? Give your fast twitch fibers the shock treatment they crave)
How to Master Rest Periods, Density, Time Under Tension, and Perfect Form for Guaranteed Arm Growth
- Learn the exact number of sets and reps that you must do (if you’re following the wrong set & rep scheme, you’re wasting your time)
- The BEST exercises to use (these exercises cause hypertrophy in ALL muscle fiber types)
- Why perfect form causes muscle growth (form is so important that this program includes tons of explainer videos to show you precisely how to perform every exercise, every rep)
- Advanced recovery methods for packing on mass, fast (training is only half the equation - the ability to push your body into the perfect stress-recovery cycle is key for building big arms and a powerful, muscular body)
- Supplement secrets to increase upper arm girth (most supplements suck, but there are a key few that absolutely help your body generate new muscle mass)
- How your diet puts your body on the fast track to building big guns (the right diet makes a night-and-day difference. Follow the wrong diet for your body, and you’ll never have the huge guns you’ve always wanted)
How You Can Gain Exclusive Access to the Program Guaranteed to Turn Your Pea Shooters Into Bazookas
To achieve the kind of explosive muscle growth that the VShred Arm Builder Program will give you, you’d have to hire an elite personal trainer.
No, not the guys at your local gym who stand around counting reps and chasing newbies around trying to sell training packages.
We’re talking the cream of the crop. And, guess what? Those trainers aren’t cheap.
In fact, when I had the time to train clients one-on-one, I charged $500 per hour… and that’s a bargain.

Knowing that most people can’t fork over thousand upon thousands of dollars to pump up their arms, I decided to pour my expertise into this program.
Because I don’t want price to be the factor that holds you back from finally sporting a pair of head-turning guns, I decided to make the Arm Builder Program super-affordable.
Since the Arm Builder Program Includes:
- A full 6-week Upper-Arm Mass Building Protocol
- 6-weeks of follow-along workouts
- The exact sets, reps, and rest periods you must do for rapid growth
- Explainer (How-To) videos you can bring with you to the gym, so it’ll be like having me next to you every step of the way
- Instructional Videos - classroom style videos teaching you the how/what/why of finally adding inches to your gun
- Week by week breakdowns of all your workouts
- The complete master-file of hacks, secrets, and the must-follow sequence guaranteed to force your body to generate new, powerful, thick muscle on your upper arms
Because the program is so jam-packed, my advisors suggested we price it at $47.
Great deal, right?
But, I want to give you an ever better offer.
If you act right now, you can claim your copy of the Arm Builder Program for only $19.99
And that’s not all…
Take action now and you can also claim a HUGE bonus:

The Vinsanity Shred Supplement Guide
Need to know exactly which supplements will help you pack on mass to your arms (and your entire body) while staying lean and strong?
This supplement guide will be your bible for avoiding the worthless supplements and zeroing in on the select supplements that are guaranteed to help you get ripped, fast.
Now, you can claim both your Free Supplement Guide Bonus and your Big Arms Program for only 19.99
But, there’s a catch: you must act now.
Once you leave this page, the price returns to normal and the Supplement Guide Bonus disappears.
Don’t wait - click the button below to finally get the big, powerful arms you’ve always dreamed of for less than the cost of one lunch at a chain restaurant:
click here to purchase normally $47.00, today only $19.99

Your results are guaranteed or your money back! I personally guarantee the results of all my products and programs, and my custom services are no exception. If at the end of your custom diet plan you are not happy with your results we will refund you NO QUESTIONS ASKED. All you have to do is send us an email with your request.
Aren’t you ready to have a set of sleeve-busting guns?
Don’t you deserve to finally break through and build arms you’ll be proud to show off at the beach, by the pool, and on the street?
Forget blindly following random workouts you found in some bodybuilding magazine.
Forget being frustrated with your lack of results.
It’s time for you to build the thick, powerful bi’s, tri’s, and forearms you’ve always dreamed of.
Take action, follow the Arm Builder Program that’s Guaranteed to help you pack on inches of lean, strong muscle onto your arms - even if you’ve failed in the past.
Between the Supplement Guide Bonus, and the Arm Builder Program, you’re about to completely transform your body - and shock your friends and haters - in just 6-weeks for less than twenty-bucks
click here to purchase normally $47.00, today only $19.99